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Bitten nails, Nail biting, Onychophagia, nervousness, do not bite your nails, Method to stop biting your nails, Hypnosis, Brief Therapies


L'accompagnement thérapeutique en PNL et en Hypnose peut vous aider à retrouver le sourire !
L'Onychophagie, communément connu sous le nom de " se ronger les ongles", peut être une source de stress et d'inconfort dans la vie quotidienne.
Si vous êtes fatigué(e) de la douleur que cela génère, ou si vous vous inquiétez de l'aspect esthétique et  les dommages potentiels à vos dents, alors notre accompagnement thérapeutique en PNL (Programmation Neuro-Linguistique) et hypnose est la solution que vous recherchez.

Through a holistic and personalized approach, our team of certified therapists will guide you throughout the healing process.   Using the powerful techniques of NLP and hypnosis, we will work together to identify the root causes of your nail biting urges and help you return to a state of relaxation and well-being. NLP will allow you to understand and change the thought and behavior patterns that contribute to nail biting.  

Using specific techniques, you will learn how to reprogram your mind to reduce stress and anxiety, which may be causing that urge to bite your nails. Hypnosis will help you access your subconscious mind and release the unconscious tensions that manifest through it.   With our relaxing and targeted sessions, you will learn to relax. Don't let this disorder ruin your quality of life anymore. With our therapeutic support in NLP and hypnosis, you can finally say goodbye to pain, and find beautiful, radiant and healthy nails. Contact me today to make an appointment and start your journey towards a life without bruxism.

Je vous propose d'aborder et comprendre les différentes techniques utilisées en accompagnement pour vous permettre :

  • D'identifier vos blocages.

  • De découvrir et comprendre comment réaliser des changements dans vos comportements.

  • De comprendre comment s'installent des perceptions et une émotions limitantes.

  • De trouver les clés pour améliorer votre qualité de vie.

  • De modifier ses schémas de pensées limitants.

  • De supprimer votre bruxisme

Inappropriate and limiting behaviors are just symptoms of a deeper problem.
Identify and understand your thought patterns by taking this test

You want to make a change in your limiting behaviors
You want to change the perception and feeling of your emotions:
Find your resources to work on your addictions, your symptoms
Then click on "Needs", otherwise return to the home page.

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