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Therapists at the Hyp' Expertises firm

  • Therapeutic coaching, Professional coaching.  

  • Management , Hypnotherapy, Enneagram.

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming, Brief Therapies.

Master Hypnosis Practitioner - NLP Practitioner - Coach

Flower of life

Jean Louis BREDECHE Siret: 424 887 024 000 3 4

Professional Coach Diploma, ICI Certification and Cerf Consultant
Master Practitioner Diploma in Hypnosis
NLP Therapist, Looking for an effective hypnotist, hypnosis at home, hypnotist at home, confidence, how much does it cost to be hypnotized, price of a hypnosis session, Mesmer, speed hypnosis, get into my head, analyze this problem, receptivity test, renowned therapist, lose your means, change things, improve myself, control myself, hypnosis school in Guadeloupe, NLP school in Guadeloupe, hypnosis diploma, loss of means, fear of the dark, be less directive, deep relaxation, vertigo, fear of heights, Looking for an effective hypnotist in Guadeloupe, hypnosis academy, NLP academy, brief therapies, coach in Guadeloupe, listening, whistling in the ears
Search for an effective hypnotist, hypnosis at home, hypnotist at home, confidence, how much does it cost to be hypnotized, price of a hypnosis session, Mesmer, speed hypnosis, get into my head, analyze this problem, receptivity test, renowned therapist, lose your means, change things, improve myself, control myself, hypnosis school in Guadeloupe, NLP school in Guadeloupe, hypnosis diploma, loss of means, fear of the dark, be less directive, deep relaxation, vertigo, fear of heights, Search for an effective hypnotist in Guadeloupe, hypnosis academy, NLP academy, brief therapies, coach in Guadeloupe, listening, whistling in the ears, therapeutic coaching, NLP Guadeloupe

  Tel: +590 690 930 470 - Email:

Tel: +596 696 703 703 - Email:

  • Ericksonian hypnosis.

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming.

  • Hypnotherapy & Brief therapies.

Johnatan BRELEUR Siret: 534 721 956 000 17

Tree of life

Hypnosis Practitioner - NLP Practitioner

Hypnosis Diploma Johnathan BRELEUR
NLP Diploma - Johnatan Breleur

Roseline BALON    Siret: 982 206 708 000 17

Coach Therapist - NLP Therapist - Reiki Master

  • Reiki Light Master

  • NLP Therapeutics.

  • Therapeutic Coaching.

Roseline Balon Logo

Tel: +590 690 758 423 - Email:

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 Nicolas FOUET                         Siret : En cours

Akashic Reading Practitioner - Kinesiologist

  • Reading the Akashic Records.

  • Animal kinesiology.

 Tél : +590 690 241 211 - Mail : 

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Master Hypnosis Practitioner - NLP Practitioner - Coach

Jean Luc VIARDOT Siret: 985 116 870 000 17

  • Coaching thérapeutique, Coaching Professionnel. 

  • Coaching Spirituel, Hypnothérapie, Ennéagramme.

  • Programmation Neuro Linguistique, Thérapies brèves.​​

Viardot Logo
Jean Luc VIARDOT NLP practitioner Guadeloupe
Jean Luc VIARDOT Coach in Guadeloupe
Master Jean Luc Diploma
Jean Luc Viardot Enneagram Training Certificate

  Tel: +590 690 612 424 - Email:

Annabelle SENERON Siret: 813 905 551 000 20

Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner

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  • Ericksonian hypnosis.

  • Hypnotherapy.

  • Brief therapies.

Tel: +59 691 274 763 - Email:

Annabelle SERENON Hypnosis Diploma

Therapeutic & Energy Hypnosis Practitioner

  • Ericksonian hypnosis.

  • Hypnotherapy.

  • Brief therapies.

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Hypnosis Brittany Region, Hypnotist Grand Champ, fear of the dentist, therapist Brittany, NLP training in Brittany, guide

Carine ROHEL Siret: 902 004 605 000 17

Tel: +33 6 61 95 32 20 - Email:

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