WOUND OF INJUSTICE (Mask of the Rigid)

La blessure d'injustice peut causer des tourments émotionnels profonds, cependant, l'hypnose offre un chemin vers la guérison, permettant de surmonter cette blessure et de retrouver un équilibre émotionnel. Dans cet article, nous explorerons comment l'hypnose peut vous aider à guérir la blessure d'injustice, à libérer les émotions négatives, à transformer les croyances limitantes et à cultiver la paix intérieure et l'acceptation.
Hypnosis offers you the opportunity to release negative emotions accumulated as a result of an injustice.
Through a state of deep relaxation, I will guide you to access your subconscious, where these emotions are stored.
You will be supported in the process of emotional release, allowing you to release anger, frustration
and resentment associated with injustice, and to regain emotional balance. Hypnosis helps you transform the limiting beliefs that arise from the wound of injustice.
Through hypnotic suggestions, you will be guided to challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that fuel your resentment and sense of injustice. You will learn to develop acceptance, let go of what is beyond your control, and cultivate a more balanced and serene perspective.
Hypnosis will help you cultivate inner peace and emotional balance in the face of injustice. Through relaxation techniques and guided visualization, you will be encouraged to connect with your inner strength,
your resilience and your ability to find serenity.
You will learn how to develop self-care strategies, build your self-confidence, and cultivate a positive and balanced mindset. Hypnosis will help you restore a balanced sense of justice after experiencing an injustice. You will be guided to identify your core values and the principles that guide your life.
You will learn to channel your energy into constructive actions, such as getting involved in causes that are important to you and promoting justice and equity. To heal the wound of injustice and regain balance and inner peace, you will benefit from personalized support.
We will work together to understand your experience of injustice, your emotional reactions and your specific needs. Through individualized sessions, you will receive tailored support and techniques to help you heal, regain emotional balance and flourish fully in your life.
Don't allow the hurt of injustice to keep you in a state of emotional imbalance.
Choose hypnosis as a powerful means of healing and rebuilding inner peace.
Contact me today and embark on a journey of profound healing where you can free yourself from the chains of injustice and regain your emotional balance and inner serenity.
Our support techniques will allow you to:
D'identifier vos blocages.
De découvrir et comprendre comment réaliser des changements dans vos comportements.
De comprendre comment s'installent des perceptions et une émotions limitantes.
De trouver les clés pour améliorer votre qualité de vie.
De modifier ses schémas de pensées limitants.
De supprimer votre comportement inapproprié et votre rapport à la nourriture.
Your behaviors and limitations are only expressions of your internal concerns.
Identify your Enneagram profile and your emotional wounds to be able to move forward.
Your problem is completely different and you want to make a change in your limiting behaviors or modify the perception and feeling of your emotions then click on my needs.